To send messages to MS Teams channel, an incoming webhook has to be created. The incoming webhook url must be given as a part of the resource config to the MSTeamsResource in Dagster. For more information on how to create an incoming webhook, see
HTTP proxy URL
Timeout for requests to MS Teams
Default Value: 60
Whether to verify SSL certificates, defaults to True
Default Value: True
This resource is for connecting to Microsoft Teams.
The resource object is a dagster_msteams.TeamsClient.
By configuring this resource, you can post messages to MS Teams from any Dagster solid:
import os
from dagster import op, job
from dagster_msteams import Card, msteams_resource
def teams_op(context):
card = Card()
card.add_attachment(text_message="Hello There !!")
@job(resource_defs={"msteams": msteams_resource})
def teams_job():
{"resources": {"msteams": {"config": {"hook_url": os.getenv("TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL")}}}}
Create a hook on step failure events that will message the given MS Teams webhook URL.
message_fn (Optional(Callable[[HookContext], str])) – Function which takes in the HookContext outputs the message you want to send.
dagit_base_url – (Optional[str]): The base url of your Dagit instance. Specify this to allow messages to include deeplinks to the specific run that triggered the hook.
def my_job():
def my_message_fn(context: HookContext) -> str:
return f"Op {} failed!"
def a_op(context):
def my_job():
a_op.with_hooks(hook_defs={teams_on_failure("#foo", my_message_fn)})
Create a hook on step success events that will message the given MS Teams webhook URL.
message_fn (Optional(Callable[[HookContext], str])) – Function which takes in the HookContext outputs the message you want to send.
dagit_base_url – (Optional[str]): The base url of your Dagit instance. Specify this to allow messages to include deeplinks to the specific run that triggered the hook.
def my_job():
def my_message_fn(context: HookContext) -> str:
return f"Op {} failed!"
def a_op(context):
def my_job():
a_op.with_hooks(hook_defs={teams_on_success("#foo", my_message_fn)})
Create a sensor on run failures that will message the given MS Teams webhook URL.
hook_url (str) – MS Teams incoming webhook URL.
message_fn (Optional(Callable[[RunFailureSensorContext], str])) – Function which
takes in the RunFailureSensorContext
and outputs the message you want to send.
Defaults to a text message that contains error message, job name, and run ID.
http_proxy – (Optional[str]): Proxy for requests using http protocol.
https_proxy – (Optional[str]): Proxy for requests using https protocol.
timeout – (Optional[float]): Connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60.
verify – (Optional[bool]): Whether to verify the servers TLS certificate.
name – (Optional[str]): The name of the sensor. Defaults to “teams_on_run_failure”.
dagit_base_url – (Optional[str]): The base url of your Dagit instance. Specify this to allow messages to include deeplinks to the failed run.
default_status (DefaultSensorStatus) – Whether the sensor starts as running or not. The default status can be overridden from Dagit or via the GraphQL API.
monitored_jobs (Optional[List[Union[JobDefinition, GraphDefinition, UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition, RepositorySelector, JobSelector]]]) – Jobs in the current repository that will be monitored by this sensor. Defaults to None, which means the alert will be sent when any job in the repository matches the requested run_status. To monitor jobs in external repositories, use RepositorySelector and JobSelector.
monitor_all_repositories (bool) – If set to True, the sensor will monitor all runs in the Dagster instance. If set to True, an error will be raised if you also specify monitored_jobs or job_selection. Defaults to False.
teams_on_run_failure = make_teams_on_run_failure_sensor(
def my_repo():
return [my_job + teams_on_run_failure]
def my_message_fn(context: RunFailureSensorContext) -> str:
return "Job {job_name} failed! Error: {error}".format(
teams_on_run_failure = make_teams_on_run_failure_sensor(