Source code for dagster._config.field_utils

# encoding: utf-8
import hashlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import public
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError

from .config_type import Array, ConfigType, ConfigTypeKind

    from dagster._config import Field

def all_optional_type(config_type: ConfigType) -> bool:
    check.inst_param(config_type, "config_type", ConfigType)

    if ConfigTypeKind.is_shape(config_type.kind):
        for field in config_type.fields.values():  # type: ignore
            if field.is_required:
                return False
        return True

    if ConfigTypeKind.is_selector(config_type.kind):
        if len(config_type.fields) == 1:  # type: ignore
            for field in config_type.fields.values():  # type: ignore
                if field.is_required:
                    return False
            return True

    return False

class __FieldValueSentinel:

class __InferOptionalCompositeFieldSentinel:


INFER_OPTIONAL_COMPOSITE_FIELD = __InferOptionalCompositeFieldSentinel

class _ConfigHasFields(ConfigType):
    def __init__(self, fields, **kwargs):
        self.fields = expand_fields_dict(fields)
        super(_ConfigHasFields, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def type_iterator(self) -> Iterator["ConfigType"]:
        for field in self.fields.values():
            yield from field.config_type.type_iterator()
        yield from super().type_iterator()

FIELD_HASH_CACHE: Dict[str, Any] = {}

def _memoize_inst_in_field_cache(passed_cls, defined_cls, key):
    if key in FIELD_HASH_CACHE:
        return FIELD_HASH_CACHE[key]

    defined_cls_inst = super(defined_cls, passed_cls).__new__(defined_cls)
    defined_cls_inst._initialized = False  # noqa: SLF001
    FIELD_HASH_CACHE[key] = defined_cls_inst
    return defined_cls_inst

def _add_hash(m, string):

def compute_fields_hash(fields, description, field_aliases=None):
    m = hashlib.sha1()  # so that hexdigest is 40, not 64 bytes
    if description:
        _add_hash(m, ":description: " + description)

    for field_name in sorted(list(fields.keys())):
        field = fields[field_name]
        _add_hash(m, ":fieldname:" + field_name)
        if field.default_provided:
            _add_hash(m, ":default_value: " + field.default_value_as_json_str)
        _add_hash(m, ":is_required: " + str(field.is_required))
        _add_hash(m, ":type_key: " + field.config_type.key)
        if field.description:
            _add_hash(m, ":description: " + field.description)

    field_aliases = check.opt_dict_param(
        field_aliases, "field_aliases", key_type=str, value_type=str
    for field_name in sorted(list(field_aliases.keys())):
        field_alias = field_aliases[field_name]
        _add_hash(m, ":fieldname: " + field_name)
        _add_hash(m, ":fieldalias: " + field_alias)

    return m.hexdigest()

def _define_shape_key_hash(fields, description, field_aliases):
    return "Shape." + compute_fields_hash(fields, description, field_aliases=field_aliases)

[docs]class Shape(_ConfigHasFields): """Schema for configuration data with string keys and typed values via :py:class:`Field`. Unlike :py:class:`Permissive`, unspecified fields are not allowed and will throw a :py:class:`~dagster.DagsterInvalidConfigError`. Args: fields (Dict[str, Field]): The specification of the config dict. field_aliases (Dict[str, str]): Maps a string key to an alias that can be used instead of the original key. For example, an entry {"foo": "bar"} means that someone could use "bar" instead of "foo" as a top level string key. """ def __new__( cls, fields, description=None, field_aliases=None, ): return _memoize_inst_in_field_cache( cls, Shape, _define_shape_key_hash(expand_fields_dict(fields), description, field_aliases), ) def __init__( self, fields, description=None, field_aliases=None, ): # if we hit in the field cache - skip double init if self._initialized: return fields = expand_fields_dict(fields) super(Shape, self).__init__( kind=ConfigTypeKind.STRICT_SHAPE, key=_define_shape_key_hash(fields, description, field_aliases), description=description, fields=fields, ) self.field_aliases = check.opt_dict_param( field_aliases, "field_aliases", key_type=str, value_type=str ) self._initialized = True
[docs]class Map(ConfigType): """Defines a config dict with arbitrary scalar keys and typed values. A map can contrain arbitrary keys of the specified scalar type, each of which has type checked values. Unlike :py:class:`Shape` and :py:class:`Permissive`, scalar keys other than strings can be used, and unlike :py:class:`Permissive`, all values are type checked. Args: key_type (type): The type of keys this map can contain. Must be a scalar type. inner_type (type): The type of the values that this map type can contain. key_label_name (string): Optional name which describes the role of keys in the map. **Examples:** .. code-block:: python @op(config_schema=Field(Map({str: int}))) def partially_specified_config(context) -> List: return sorted(list(context.op_config.items())) """ def __init__(self, key_type, inner_type, key_label_name=None): from .field import resolve_to_config_type self.key_type = resolve_to_config_type(key_type) self.inner_type = resolve_to_config_type(inner_type) self.given_name = key_label_name check.inst_param(self.key_type, "key_type", ConfigType) check.inst_param(self.inner_type, "inner_type", ConfigType) check.param_invariant( self.key_type.kind == ConfigTypeKind.SCALAR, "key_type", "Key type must be a scalar" ) check.opt_str_param(self.given_name, "name") super(Map, self).__init__( key="Map.{key_type}.{inner_type}{name_key}".format( key_type=self.key_type.key, inner_type=self.inner_type.key, name_key=f":name: {key_label_name}" if key_label_name else "", ), # We use the given name field to store the key label name # this is used elsewhere to give custom types names given_name=key_label_name, type_params=[self.key_type, self.inner_type], kind=ConfigTypeKind.MAP, ) @public @property def key_label_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Name which describes the role of keys in the map, if provided.""" return self.given_name def type_iterator(self) -> Iterator["ConfigType"]: yield from self.key_type.type_iterator() yield from self.inner_type.type_iterator() yield from super().type_iterator()
def _define_permissive_dict_key(fields, description): return ( "Permissive." + compute_fields_hash(fields, description=description) if fields else "Permissive" )
[docs]class Permissive(_ConfigHasFields): """Defines a config dict with a partially specified schema. A permissive dict allows partial specification of the config schema. Any fields with a specified schema will be type checked. Other fields will be allowed, but will be ignored by the type checker. Args: fields (Dict[str, Field]): The partial specification of the config dict. **Examples:** .. code-block:: python @op(config_schema=Field(Permissive({'required': Field(String)}))) def map_config_op(context) -> List: return sorted(list(context.op_config.items())) """ def __new__(cls, fields=None, description=None): return _memoize_inst_in_field_cache( cls, Permissive, _define_permissive_dict_key( expand_fields_dict(fields) if fields else None, description ), ) def __init__(self, fields=None, description=None): # if we hit in field cache avoid double init if self._initialized: return fields = expand_fields_dict(fields) if fields else None super(Permissive, self).__init__( key=_define_permissive_dict_key(fields, description), kind=ConfigTypeKind.PERMISSIVE_SHAPE, fields=fields or dict(), description=description, ) self._initialized = True
def _define_selector_key(fields, description): return "Selector." + compute_fields_hash(fields, description=description)
[docs]class Selector(_ConfigHasFields): """Define a config field requiring the user to select one option. Selectors are used when you want to be able to present several different options in config but allow only one to be selected. For example, a single input might be read in from either a csv file or a parquet file, but not both at once. Note that in some other type systems this might be called an 'input union'. Functionally, a selector is like a :py:class:`Dict`, except that only one key from the dict can be specified in valid config. Args: fields (Dict[str, Field]): The fields from which the user must select. **Examples:** .. code-block:: python @op( config_schema=Field( Selector( { 'haw': {'whom': Field(String, default_value='honua', is_required=False)}, 'cn': {'whom': Field(String, default_value='世界', is_required=False)}, 'en': {'whom': Field(String, default_value='world', is_required=False)}, } ), is_required=False, default_value={'en': {'whom': 'world'}}, ) ) def hello_world_with_default(context): if 'haw' in context.op_config: return 'Aloha {whom}!'.format(whom=context.op_config['haw']['whom']) if 'cn' in context.op_config: return '你好, {whom}!'.format(whom=context.op_config['cn']['whom']) if 'en' in context.op_config: return 'Hello, {whom}!'.format(whom=context.op_config['en']['whom']) """ def __new__(cls, fields, description=None): return _memoize_inst_in_field_cache( cls, Selector, _define_selector_key(expand_fields_dict(fields), description), ) def __init__(self, fields, description=None): # if we hit in field cache avoid double init if self._initialized: return fields = expand_fields_dict(fields) super(Selector, self).__init__( key=_define_selector_key(fields, description), kind=ConfigTypeKind.SELECTOR, fields=fields, description=description, ) self._initialized = True
# Config syntax expansion code below def is_potential_field(potential_field: object) -> bool: from .field import Field, resolve_to_config_type return isinstance(potential_field, (Field, dict, list)) or bool( resolve_to_config_type(potential_field) ) def convert_fields_to_dict_type(fields: Mapping[str, object]): return _convert_fields_to_dict_type(fields, fields, []) def _convert_fields_to_dict_type( original_root: object, fields: Mapping[str, object], stack: List[str] ) -> Shape: return Shape(_expand_fields_dict(original_root, fields, stack)) def expand_fields_dict(fields: Mapping[str, object]) -> Mapping[str, "Field"]: return _expand_fields_dict(fields, fields, []) def _expand_fields_dict( original_root: object, fields: Mapping[str, object], stack: List[str] ) -> Mapping[str, "Field"]: check.mapping_param(fields, "fields") return { name: _convert_potential_field(original_root, value, stack + [name]) for name, value in fields.items() } def expand_list(original_root: object, the_list: Sequence[object], stack: List[str]) -> Array: if len(the_list) != 1: raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError( original_root, the_list, stack, "List must be of length 1" ) inner_type = _convert_potential_type(original_root, the_list[0], stack) if not inner_type: raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError( original_root, the_list, stack, "List have a single item and contain a valid type i.e. [int]. Got item {}".format( repr(the_list[0]) ), ) return Array(inner_type) def expand_map(original_root: object, the_dict: Mapping[object, object], stack: List[str]) -> Map: if len(the_dict) != 1: raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError( original_root, the_dict, stack, "Map dict must be of length 1" ) key = list(the_dict.keys())[0] key_type = _convert_potential_type(original_root, key, stack) if not key_type or not key_type.kind == ConfigTypeKind.SCALAR: raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError( original_root, the_dict, stack, f"Map dict must have a scalar type as its only key. Got key {key!r}", ) inner_type = _convert_potential_type(original_root, the_dict[key], stack) if not inner_type: raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError( original_root, the_dict, stack, "Map must have a single value and contain a valid type i.e. {{str: int}}. Got item {}" .format(repr(the_dict[key])), ) return Map(key_type, inner_type) def convert_potential_field(potential_field: object) -> "Field": return _convert_potential_field(potential_field, potential_field, []) def _convert_potential_type(original_root: object, potential_type, stack: List[str]): from .field import resolve_to_config_type if isinstance(potential_type, Mapping): # A dictionary, containing a single key which is a type (int, str, etc) and not a string is interpreted as a Map if len(potential_type) == 1: key = list(potential_type.keys())[0] if not isinstance(key, str) and _convert_potential_type(original_root, key, stack): return expand_map(original_root, potential_type, stack) # Otherwise, the dictionary is interpreted as a Shape return Shape(_expand_fields_dict(original_root, potential_type, stack)) if isinstance(potential_type, list): return expand_list(original_root, potential_type, stack) return resolve_to_config_type(potential_type) def _convert_potential_field( original_root: object, potential_field: object, stack: List[str] ) -> "Field": from .field import Field if potential_field is None: raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError( original_root, potential_field, stack, reason="Fields cannot be None" ) if not is_potential_field(potential_field): raise DagsterInvalidConfigDefinitionError(original_root, potential_field, stack) if isinstance(potential_field, Field): return potential_field return Field(_convert_potential_type(original_root, potential_field, stack)) def config_dictionary_from_values( values: Mapping[str, Any], config_field: "Field" ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Converts a set of config values into a dictionary representation, in particular converting EnvVar objects into Dagster config inputs and processing data structures such as dicts, lists, and structured Config classes. """ assert ConfigTypeKind.is_shape(config_field.config_type.kind) from dagster._config.pythonic_config import _config_value_to_dict_representation return check.is_dict(_config_value_to_dict_representation(None, values)) class IntEnvVar(int): """Class used to represent an environment variable in the Dagster config system. The environment variable will be resolved to an int value when the config is loaded. """ name: str @classmethod def create(cls, name: str) -> "IntEnvVar": var = IntEnvVar(0) = name return var class EnvVar(str): """Class used to represent an environment variable in the Dagster config system. The environment variable will be resolved to a string value when the config is loaded. """ @classmethod def int(cls, name: str) -> "IntEnvVar": return IntEnvVar.create(name=name)