Source code for dagster._core.definitions.op_definition

import inspect
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, get_args, get_origin

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import public
from dagster._config.config_schema import UserConfigSchema
from dagster._core.decorator_utils import get_function_params
from dagster._core.definitions.dependency import NodeHandle, NodeInputHandle
from dagster._core.definitions.node_definition import NodeDefinition
from dagster._core.definitions.op_invocation import op_invocation_result
from dagster._core.definitions.policy import RetryPolicy
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_requirement import (
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidInvocationError, DagsterInvariantViolationError
from dagster._core.types.dagster_type import DagsterType, DagsterTypeKind
from dagster._utils import IHasInternalInit
from dagster._utils.backcompat import canonicalize_backcompat_args, deprecation_warning

from .definition_config_schema import (
from .hook_definition import HookDefinition
from .inference import infer_output_props
from .input import In, InputDefinition
from .output import Out, OutputDefinition

    from dagster._core.definitions.asset_layer import AssetLayer

    from .composition import PendingNodeInvocation
    from .decorators.op_decorator import DecoratedOpFunction

OpComputeFunction: TypeAlias = Callable[..., Any]

[docs]class OpDefinition(NodeDefinition, IHasInternalInit): """Defines an op, the functional unit of user-defined computation. For more details on what a op is, refer to the `Ops Overview <../../concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/ops>`_ . End users should prefer the :func:`@op <op>` decorator. OpDefinition is generally intended to be used by framework authors or for programatically generated ops. Args: name (str): Name of the op. Must be unique within any :py:class:`GraphDefinition` or :py:class:`JobDefinition` that contains the op. input_defs (List[InputDefinition]): Inputs of the op. compute_fn (Callable): The core of the op, the function that performs the actual computation. The signature of this function is determined by ``input_defs``, and optionally, an injected first argument, ``context``, a collection of information provided by the system. This function will be coerced into a generator or an async generator, which must yield one :py:class:`Output` for each of the op's ``output_defs``, and additionally may yield other types of Dagster events, including :py:class:`AssetMaterialization` and :py:class:`ExpectationResult`. output_defs (List[OutputDefinition]): Outputs of the op. config_schema (Optional[ConfigSchema): The schema for the config. If set, Dagster will check that the config provided for the op matches this schema and will fail if it does not. If not set, Dagster will accept any config provided for the op. description (Optional[str]): Human-readable description of the op. tags (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Arbitrary metadata for the op. Frameworks may expect and require certain metadata to be attached to a op. Users should generally not set metadata directly. Values that are not strings will be json encoded and must meet the criteria that `json.loads(json.dumps(value)) == value`. required_resource_keys (Optional[Set[str]]): Set of resources handles required by this op. code_version (Optional[str]): (Experimental) Version of the code encapsulated by the op. If set, this is used as a default code version for all outputs. retry_policy (Optional[RetryPolicy]): The retry policy for this op. Examples: .. code-block:: python def _add_one(_context, inputs): yield Output(inputs["num"] + 1) OpDefinition( name="add_one", ins={"num": In(int)}, outs={"result": Out(int)}, compute_fn=_add_one, ) """ _compute_fn: Union[Callable[..., Any], "DecoratedOpFunction"] _config_schema: IDefinitionConfigSchema _required_resource_keys: AbstractSet[str] _version: Optional[str] _retry_policy: Optional[RetryPolicy] def __init__( self, compute_fn: Union[Callable[..., Any], "DecoratedOpFunction"], name: str, ins: Optional[Mapping[str, In]] = None, outs: Optional[Mapping[str, Out]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, config_schema: Optional[Union[UserConfigSchema, IDefinitionConfigSchema]] = None, required_resource_keys: Optional[AbstractSet[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, retry_policy: Optional[RetryPolicy] = None, code_version: Optional[str] = None, ): from .decorators.op_decorator import DecoratedOpFunction, resolve_checked_op_fn_inputs ins = check.opt_mapping_param(ins, "ins") input_defs = [ inp.to_definition(name) for name, inp in sorted(ins.items(), key=lambda inp: inp[0]) ] # sort so that input definition order is deterministic if isinstance(compute_fn, DecoratedOpFunction): resolved_input_defs: Sequence[InputDefinition] = resolve_checked_op_fn_inputs( decorator_name="@op", fn_name=name, compute_fn=cast(DecoratedOpFunction, compute_fn), explicit_input_defs=input_defs, exclude_nothing=True, ) self._compute_fn = compute_fn else: resolved_input_defs = input_defs self._compute_fn = check.callable_param(compute_fn, "compute_fn") code_version = canonicalize_backcompat_args( code_version, "code_version", version, "version", "2.0" ) self._version = code_version check.opt_mapping_param(outs, "outs") output_defs = _resolve_output_defs_from_outs( compute_fn=compute_fn, outs=outs, default_code_version=code_version ) self._config_schema = convert_user_facing_definition_config_schema(config_schema) self._required_resource_keys = frozenset( check.opt_set_param(required_resource_keys, "required_resource_keys", of_type=str) ) self._retry_policy = check.opt_inst_param(retry_policy, "retry_policy", RetryPolicy) positional_inputs = ( self._compute_fn.positional_inputs() if isinstance(self._compute_fn, DecoratedOpFunction) else None ) super(OpDefinition, self).__init__( name=name, input_defs=check.sequence_param(resolved_input_defs, "input_defs", InputDefinition), output_defs=check.sequence_param(output_defs, "output_defs", OutputDefinition), description=description, tags=check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags", key_type=str), positional_inputs=positional_inputs, ) def dagster_internal_init( *, compute_fn: Union[Callable[..., Any], "DecoratedOpFunction"], name: str, ins: Optional[Mapping[str, In]], outs: Optional[Mapping[str, Out]], description: Optional[str], config_schema: Optional[Union[UserConfigSchema, IDefinitionConfigSchema]], required_resource_keys: Optional[AbstractSet[str]], tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], version: Optional[str], retry_policy: Optional[RetryPolicy], code_version: Optional[str], ) -> "OpDefinition": return OpDefinition( compute_fn=compute_fn, name=name, ins=ins, outs=outs, description=description, config_schema=config_schema, required_resource_keys=required_resource_keys, tags=tags, version=version, retry_policy=retry_policy, code_version=code_version, ) @property def node_type_str(self) -> str: return "op" @property def is_graph_job_op_node(self) -> bool: return True @public @property def name(self) -> str: """str: The name of this op.""" return super(OpDefinition, self).name @public @property def ins(self) -> Mapping[str, In]: """Mapping[str, In]: A mapping from input name to the In object that represents that input. """ return { In.from_definition(input_def) for input_def in self.input_defs} @public @property def outs(self) -> Mapping[str, Out]: """Mapping[str, Out]: A mapping from output name to the Out object that represents that output. """ return { Out.from_definition(output_def) for output_def in self.output_defs} @property def compute_fn(self) -> Union[Callable[..., Any], "DecoratedOpFunction"]: return self._compute_fn @public @property def config_schema(self) -> IDefinitionConfigSchema: """IDefinitionConfigSchema: The config schema for this op.""" return self._config_schema @public @property def required_resource_keys(self) -> AbstractSet[str]: """AbstractSet[str]: A set of keys for resources that must be provided to this OpDefinition. """ return frozenset(self._required_resource_keys) @public @property def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """[DEPRECATED] str: Version of the code encapsulated by the op. If set, this is used as a default code version for all outputs. """ deprecation_warning("`version` property on OpDefinition", "2.0") return self._version @public @property def retry_policy(self) -> Optional[RetryPolicy]: """Optional[RetryPolicy]: The RetryPolicy for this op.""" return self._retry_policy @public @property def tags(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Mapping[str, str]: The tags for this op.""" return super(OpDefinition, self).tags
[docs] @public def alias(self, name: str) -> "PendingNodeInvocation": """Creates a copy of this op with the given name.""" return super(OpDefinition, self).alias(name)
[docs] @public def tag(self, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) -> "PendingNodeInvocation": """Creates a copy of this op with the given tags.""" return super(OpDefinition, self).tag(tags)
[docs] @public def with_hooks(self, hook_defs: AbstractSet[HookDefinition]) -> "PendingNodeInvocation": """Creates a copy of this op with the given hook definitions.""" return super(OpDefinition, self).with_hooks(hook_defs)
[docs] @public def with_retry_policy(self, retry_policy: RetryPolicy) -> "PendingNodeInvocation": """Creates a copy of this op with the given retry policy.""" return super(OpDefinition, self).with_retry_policy(retry_policy)
def is_from_decorator(self) -> bool: from .decorators.op_decorator import DecoratedOpFunction return isinstance(self._compute_fn, DecoratedOpFunction) def get_output_annotation(self) -> Any: if not self.is_from_decorator(): raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f"Attempted to get output annotation for {self.node_type_str} '{}', " "which was not constructed from a decorated function." ) return cast("DecoratedOpFunction", self.compute_fn).get_output_annotation() def all_dagster_types(self) -> Iterator[DagsterType]: yield from self.all_input_output_types() def iterate_node_defs(self) -> Iterator[NodeDefinition]: yield self def iterate_op_defs(self) -> Iterator["OpDefinition"]: yield self T_Handle = TypeVar("T_Handle", bound=Optional[NodeHandle]) def resolve_output_to_origin( self, output_name: str, handle: T_Handle ) -> Tuple[OutputDefinition, T_Handle]: return self.output_def_named(output_name), handle def resolve_output_to_origin_op_def(self, output_name: str) -> "OpDefinition": return self def get_inputs_must_be_resolved_top_level( self, asset_layer: "AssetLayer", handle: Optional[NodeHandle] = None ) -> Sequence[InputDefinition]: handle = cast(NodeHandle, check.inst_param(handle, "handle", NodeHandle)) unresolveable_input_defs = [] for input_def in self.input_defs: if ( not input_def.dagster_type.loader and not input_def.dagster_type.kind == DagsterTypeKind.NOTHING and not input_def.has_default_value and not input_def.input_manager_key ): input_asset_key = asset_layer.asset_key_for_input(handle, # If input_asset_key is present, this input can be resolved # by a source asset, so input does not need to be resolved # at the top level. if input_asset_key: continue unresolveable_input_defs.append(input_def) return unresolveable_input_defs def input_has_default(self, input_name: str) -> bool: return self.input_def_named(input_name).has_default_value def default_value_for_input(self, input_name: str) -> InputDefinition: return self.input_def_named(input_name).default_value def input_supports_dynamic_output_dep(self, input_name: str) -> bool: return True def with_replaced_properties( self, name: str, ins: Optional[Mapping[str, In]] = None, outs: Optional[Mapping[str, Out]] = None, config_schema: Optional[IDefinitionConfigSchema] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "OpDefinition": return OpDefinition.dagster_internal_init( name=name, ins=ins or { In.from_definition(input_def) for input_def in self.input_defs}, outs=outs or { Out.from_definition(output_def) for output_def in self.output_defs }, compute_fn=self.compute_fn, config_schema=config_schema or self.config_schema, description=description or self.description, tags=self.tags, required_resource_keys=self.required_resource_keys, code_version=self._version, retry_policy=self.retry_policy, version=None, # code_version replaces version ) def copy_for_configured( self, name: str, description: Optional[str], config_schema: IDefinitionConfigSchema, ) -> "OpDefinition": return self.with_replaced_properties( name=name, description=description, config_schema=config_schema, ) def get_resource_requirements( self, outer_context: Optional[object] = None, ) -> Iterator[ResourceRequirement]: # Outer requiree in this context is the outer-calling node handle. If not provided, then # just use the op name. outer_context = cast(Optional[Tuple[NodeHandle, Optional["AssetLayer"]]], outer_context) if not outer_context: handle = None asset_layer = None else: handle, asset_layer = outer_context node_description = f"{self.node_type_str} '{handle or}'" for resource_key in sorted(list(self.required_resource_keys)): yield OpDefinitionResourceRequirement( key=resource_key, node_description=node_description ) for input_def in self.input_defs: if input_def.input_manager_key: yield InputManagerRequirement( key=input_def.input_manager_key, node_description=node_description,, root_input=False, ) elif asset_layer and handle: input_asset_key = asset_layer.asset_key_for_input(handle, if input_asset_key: io_manager_key = asset_layer.io_manager_key_for_asset(input_asset_key) yield InputManagerRequirement( key=io_manager_key, node_description=node_description,, root_input=False, ) for output_def in self.output_defs: yield OutputManagerRequirement( key=output_def.io_manager_key, node_description=node_description,, ) def resolve_input_to_destinations( self, input_handle: NodeInputHandle ) -> Sequence[NodeInputHandle]: return [input_handle] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: from ..execution.context.invocation import UnboundOpExecutionContext from .composition import is_in_composition from .decorators.op_decorator import DecoratedOpFunction if is_in_composition(): return super(OpDefinition, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) else: if not isinstance(self.compute_fn, DecoratedOpFunction): raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( "Attemped to invoke op that was not constructed using the" " `@op` decorator. Only ops constructed using the" " `@op` decorator can be directly invoked." ) if self.compute_fn.has_context_arg(): if len(args) + len(kwargs) == 0: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f"Compute function of op '{}' has context argument, but" " no context was provided when invoking." ) if len(args) > 0: if args[0] is not None and not isinstance(args[0], UnboundOpExecutionContext): raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f"Compute function of op '{}' has context argument, " "but no context was provided when invoking." ) context = args[0] return op_invocation_result(self, context, *args[1:], **kwargs) # Context argument is provided under kwargs else: context_param_name = get_function_params(self.compute_fn.decorated_fn)[0].name if context_param_name not in kwargs: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f"Compute function of op '{}' has context argument " f"'{context_param_name}', but no value for '{context_param_name}' was " f"found when invoking. Provided kwargs: {kwargs}" ) context = cast(UnboundOpExecutionContext, kwargs[context_param_name]) kwargs_sans_context = { kwarg: val for kwarg, val in kwargs.items() if not kwarg == context_param_name } return op_invocation_result(self, context, *args, **kwargs_sans_context) else: context = None if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], UnboundOpExecutionContext): context = cast(UnboundOpExecutionContext, args[0]) args = args[1:] return op_invocation_result(self, context, *args, **kwargs)
def _resolve_output_defs_from_outs( compute_fn: Union[Callable[..., Any], "DecoratedOpFunction"], outs: Optional[Mapping[str, Out]], default_code_version: Optional[str], ) -> Sequence[OutputDefinition]: from .decorators.op_decorator import DecoratedOpFunction if isinstance(compute_fn, DecoratedOpFunction): inferred_output_props = infer_output_props(compute_fn.decorated_fn) annotation = inferred_output_props.annotation description = inferred_output_props.description else: inferred_output_props = None annotation = inspect.Parameter.empty description = None if outs is None: return [OutputDefinition.create_from_inferred(inferred_output_props, default_code_version)] # If only a single entry has been provided to the out dict, then slurp the # annotation into the entry. if len(outs) == 1: name = list(outs.keys())[0] only_out = outs[name] return [only_out.to_definition(annotation, name, description, default_code_version)] output_defs: List[OutputDefinition] = [] # Introspection on type annotations is experimental, so checking # metaclass is the best we can do. if annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty and not get_origin(annotation) == tuple: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Expected Tuple annotation for multiple outputs, but received non-tuple annotation." ) if annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty and not len(get_args(annotation)) == len(outs): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Expected Tuple annotation to have number of entries matching the " f"number of outputs for more than one output. Expected {len(outs)} " f"outputs but annotation has {len(get_args(annotation))}." ) for idx, (name, cur_out) in enumerate(outs.items()): annotation_type = ( get_args(annotation)[idx] if annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty else inspect.Parameter.empty ) # Don't provide description when using multiple outputs. Introspection # is challenging when faced with multiple inputs. output_defs.append( cur_out.to_definition( annotation_type, name=name, description=None, code_version=default_code_version ) ) return output_defs