Source code for dagster._core.execution.with_resources

from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, cast

from dagster import _check as check
from dagster._core.execution.build_resources import wrap_resources_for_execution
from dagster._utils.merger import merge_dicts

from ..._config import Shape
from ..definitions.resource_requirement import ResourceAddable
from ..definitions.utils import DEFAULT_IO_MANAGER_KEY
from ..errors import DagsterInvalidConfigError, DagsterInvalidInvocationError

T = TypeVar("T", bound=ResourceAddable)

[docs]def with_resources( definitions: Iterable[T], resource_defs: Mapping[str, object], resource_config_by_key: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Sequence[T]: """Adds dagster resources to copies of resource-requiring dagster definitions. An error will be thrown if any provided definitions have a conflicting resource definition provided for a key provided to resource_defs. Resource config can be provided, with keys in the config dictionary corresponding to the keys for each resource definition. If any definition has unsatisfied resource keys after applying with_resources, an error will be thrown. Args: definitions (Iterable[ResourceAddable]): Dagster definitions to provide resources to. resource_defs (Mapping[str, object]): Mapping of resource keys to objects to satisfy resource requirements of provided dagster definitions. resource_config_by_key (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]): Specifies config for provided resources. The key in this dictionary corresponds to configuring the same key in the resource_defs dictionary. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster import asset, resource, with_resources @resource(config_schema={"bar": str}) def foo_resource(): ... @asset(required_resource_keys={"foo"}) def asset1(context): foo = ... @asset(required_resource_keys={"foo"}) def asset2(context): foo = ... asset1_with_foo, asset2_with_foo = with_resources( [the_asset, other_asset], resource_config_by_key={ "foo": { "config": {"bar": ...} } } ) """ from dagster._config import validate_config from dagster._core.definitions.job_definition import ( default_job_io_manager_with_fs_io_manager_schema, ) check.mapping_param(resource_defs, "resource_defs") resource_config_by_key = check.opt_mapping_param( resource_config_by_key, "resource_config_by_key" ) resource_defs = wrap_resources_for_execution( merge_dicts( {DEFAULT_IO_MANAGER_KEY: default_job_io_manager_with_fs_io_manager_schema}, resource_defs, ) ) for key, resource_def in resource_defs.items(): if key in resource_config_by_key: resource_config = resource_config_by_key[key] if not isinstance(resource_config, dict) or "config" not in resource_config: raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError( f"Error with config for resource key '{key}': Expected a " "dictionary of the form {'config': ...}, but received " f"{resource_config}" ) outer_config_shape = Shape({"config": resource_def.get_config_field()}) config_evr = validate_config(outer_config_shape, resource_config) if not config_evr.success: raise DagsterInvalidConfigError( f"Error when applying config for resource with key '{key}' ", config_evr.errors, resource_config, ) resource_defs[key] = resource_defs[key].configured(resource_config["config"]) transformed_defs: List[T] = [] for definition in definitions: transformed_defs.append(cast(T, definition.with_resources(resource_defs))) return transformed_defs